Have the Most Magical Disneyland Spring Break With These Three Outfit Ideas
I don’t know about you, but in San Francisco, the sun is starting to shine warmer and brighter, and I’m getting really excited to plan my spring and summer trips! I already know where I’m going… Disneyland!!!! I firmly believe that Disneyland is for everyone. Even if you’re so-called “not a fan of Disney,” you can still appreciate the detail and thought that’s put into the park’s design and operations. I’m *definitely* a huge fan of Disneyland, and I’ve been at least 100 times (and I haven’t gotten sick of it!). As a Disneyland expert, I also have to dress the part, and I have lots of Disney apparel that - trust me - is really, really cute. Unfortunately, Disneyland merchandise is not cheap, and for me to have multiple Disney pieces, I decided to get creative and DIY my own bags, shirts, and mouse ears. Today, I’m showing you how to do it all. Read on!